"Not Only the Ejidatarios Have Rights". The Emergence of the Human Rights of the Mayan People

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Rodrigo Llanes Salazar


In this article I analyze the emergence of the human rights of the Mayan people as a public problem in Yucatan based on three conditions: the promotion of a "new economic model" in the state; legal reforms at the national level and the emergence of a human rights advocacy network in Yucatán. I argue that the emergence of the human rights of the Mayan people is transforming the power relations in the state, particularly due to the growing idea that not only the ejidatarios have rights, but all the "Mayan people".


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How to Cite
Llanes Salazar, R. (2019). "Not Only the Ejidatarios Have Rights". The Emergence of the Human Rights of the Mayan People. Península, 14(1). https://doi.org/10.22201/cephcis.25942743e.2019.14.1.68819

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Author Biography

Rodrigo Llanes Salazar, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Centro Peninsular en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales