Emotions among the Mayas: Meanings and Cultural Norms of Expression-Suppression

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Deira Jiménez-Balam
Teresita Castillo-León
Lilia Calvalcante


The objective of this article is to explore the emotional meaning and the cultural norms of emotional expression-suppression among the Mayas of the center of Quintana Roo, Mexico. We interviewed eleven bilingual adults (Mayan-Spanish) and conducted a discussion group with six of the participants. We also used participant observation and a field journal. Among the results, it is remarkable that the emotions are associated mainly with the Mayan term óol. The rules of expression-suppression emphasize moderation and emotional balance. For example, ki’imak óol (joy) was conceived in terms of tranquility. While the yaj óol (anger-sadness) is not promoted since its expression unbalances and hinders social relationships. These results agree with the interdependent cultural model, where calm and moderation are expected to maintain harmony and good social relations. Implications and guidelines for future research are discussed.


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How to Cite
Jiménez-Balam, D., Castillo-León, T., & Calvalcante, L. (2020). Emotions among the Mayas: Meanings and Cultural Norms of Expression-Suppression. Península, 15(1). https://doi.org/10.22201/cephcis.25942743e.2020.15.1.75402

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