Donna Haraway’s Critical Thinking: Complexity, Ecofeminism, and Cosmopolitics

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Verónica Araiza Díaz


This paper aims to show DonnaHaraway’s critical thinking, one of the most suggestive authors of contemporary social theory. Aspects of her work are taken as distinctive of her way of articulating a deep and wide reflection of the world we inhabit. This is located in a limited moment, generally called Anthropocene, which for some authors is unsurpassed. For Haraway, the damage to the planet is irreversible in certain ways and, therefore, there can only be partial healing. She proposes a different way of looking at life, to enhance new forms of relationships that she calls multispecies, to indicate that this is rather more than a human affair. Her critical work is aimed at modifying current landscapes, for which she takes advantage of complexity, feminism, and political perspectives in the philosophy of science.


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How to Cite
Araiza Díaz, V. (2020). Donna Haraway’s Critical Thinking: Complexity, Ecofeminism, and Cosmopolitics. Península, 15(2).

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Author Biography

Verónica Araiza Díaz

Becaria del Programa de Becas Posdoctorales UNAM, Centro Peninsular en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales