Humboldt and travelers to Mexico in the 19th Century

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Carolina Depetris


Many European and North American travelers arrived in Mexico in the 19th century, driven by the archaeological wealth of the country and by a natural and economic interest in the region. Many of these travelers left testimonies of their travels, and in many of those, the observations and studies carried out by Alexander von Humboldt were an unavoidable reference. This article’s purpose is to review Humboldt’s reception by some of these travelers, to know who were his followers, who his detractors, and what were the reasons for support or rejection. Underlying this interest, to understand how Humboldt’s image was configured as an “authority”.


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How to Cite
Depetris, C. (2020). Humboldt and travelers to Mexico in the 19th Century. Península, 15(2).

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