Gender-Based Violence against Women and Girls and Feminicide in Yucatán: Notes for its Investigation

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Perla Fragoso Lugo


Based on Marcela Lagarde’s proposal to approach feminicide as a phenomenon closely linked to the geopolitical territory where it occurs, as a set of murders that need to be reviewed as such and not in isolation, as well as feminicides being preceded by a continuum of violence, in this article some elements are placed in order to socially characterize the space of deployment of gender-based violence against women and girls, and its most radical expression, feminicide, in Yucatán. This, problematizing and questioning a mechanical explanation that has correlated the presence of these phenomena only with contexts of high insecurity or criminality.


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How to Cite
Fragoso Lugo, P. (2021). Gender-Based Violence against Women and Girls and Feminicide in Yucatán: Notes for its Investigation. Península, 16(1).

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