Interrupted Migration. Cubans Stranded in Panama After Repealing the US Immigration Policy Dry Feet / Wet Feet

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Gabriel Aarón Macías Zapata


This article analyzes the situation of Cuban migrants who were stranded in Panama when Barack Obamaabolished the United States’ dry feet / wet feet immigration policy, which allowed them to get the permanent residence in the United States. It is emphasized the transition stage after the end of that policy, where Cuban migrants got special treatment by Central American countries to facilitate their crossing through their territory to the United States. At the very end of these benefits, Cubans were treated like any other migrant, in accordance with the migratory agreements aimed at normalizing Cuban migration, signed by the countries of origin, transit and destination. Faced with this situation, the analysis of the migration strategies undertaken by Cuban migrants in transit to influence in the definition of public policies that the countries involved would adopt with the purpose of solving their migratory condition.


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How to Cite
Macías Zapata, G. A. (2022). Interrupted Migration. Cubans Stranded in Panama After Repealing the US Immigration Policy Dry Feet / Wet Feet. Península, 17(1).

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