Citizen Participation in the Creation of a Marine Protected Areas in Northern Mexico

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Gerardo Rodríguez Quiroz
Manuel Jesús Pinkus Rendón
Eusebio Nava Pérez
Alfredo Ortega Rubio


Mexico, as other nations, uses Natural Protected Marine Areas (ANPM) for conservation purposes of the natural processes of the species subject to fishing. Unfortunately, in their Decree processes, on some occasions, due attention has not been paid to social and economic development of the communities that inhabit them. The present work finds out through questioning the grade of participation of the fishermen in the designation of the ANPM. Using surveys in Likert scales, the perception of bordering fishermen of two ANPM in the state of Baja California Sur was analyzed with regard if they were considered or not in the statement of the ANPM. Mechanisms are suggested to recognize the value of the knowledge of fishermen as a key element that encourages the sustainability of fishing and that together they manage an improvement in the quality of life of fishermen in ANPM.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Quiroz, G., Pinkus Rendón, M. J., Nava Pérez, E., & Ortega Rubio, A. (2022). Citizen Participation in the Creation of a Marine Protected Areas in Northern Mexico. Península, 17(1).

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