Scots in the Caribbean, XVII and XVIII Centuries: From Servants and Survivors to Qualified Migrants and Land Owners

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María Fernanda Valencia Suárez


In the 17th and 18th centuries, several Scots migrated to the Caribbean. This article addresses these migrations, highlighting their specificities in regard to causes and circumstances that motivated them, as well as the dates and places of arrival, whether in passing through or settling in the region. It reflects on the social interaction between English colonists and Scottish immigrants, and among these and other social groups. It refers to the treatment they received as indentured servants on the plantations, highlighting temporal variations, as well as those situations that were different for them, depending on skin color, religion, belonging to the British Empire, schooling or other factors. It also inquiries about the social mobility that, in general terms, the Scots achieved in the Great Caribbean, converting, in less than two centuries, from servants and survivors of failure, to qualified immigrants and landowners.


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Valencia Suárez, M. F. (2023). Scots in the Caribbean, XVII and XVIII Centuries: From Servants and Survivors to Qualified Migrants and Land Owners. Península, 19(1), 13–38.

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