An approach to the introduction of slaves to Campeche through Asiento de Negros of England (1713-1739)

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Jorge Victoria Ojeda


These lines address the participation of Campeche in the Asiento de Negros granted to England by Spain from 1713 to 1739. The legal introduction of enslaved people through the port of Campeche had its highest rate during the first half of the 18th century due to the indicated Asiento. Despite the fact that Campeche was not considered among the points for the factories of arrival and sale within the Treaty of 1713. The forest interest and the commercial expansion of the English included the Yucatan territory, and they established a “factory” in Campeche, which they subleased to other settled merchants in Jamaica. Despite the discontent of Spain, the “factory” was made “official” with the nomination of a Spanish authority to supervise it. The consulted historical archives and the previous investigations confirm that during the two decades of that Asiento in Campeche, the legal forced migration amounted to more than 800 enslaved people.


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Victoria Ojeda, J. (2023). An approach to the introduction of slaves to Campeche through Asiento de Negros of England (1713-1739). Península, 19(1), 39–63.

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