The White Owners of Saint Domingue, from Habitants to Émigrés. Their Exodus to the Spanish Santo Domingo, 1789-1793

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Carlos Alberto Murgueitio Manrique


As a consequence of the outbreak of the French Revolution, in Saint Domingue occurred a particular and unique racial conflict and civil war in the French Caribbean, which involved white proprietors or habitants and the mulattoes or gens de couleur, also owners of the land and the slaves. It was then that the chary families of the colonial elite abandoned their residences and moved to the Spanish side, taking there some capital and domestic slaves. The flow of émigrés increased in August 1791 due to the uprising of the slaves of the Northern Province and, since March 1793, it happened as a result of the international conflict caused by the regicide of Louis XVI and the confrontation between the republican strongholds and the Spanish and English occupation forces. This article explains in detail and analyses the backgrounds, the causes of the exodus of the white owners or habitants, and the reasons that led them to leave their homeland, become emigrants, seek for refuge in the Spanish Santo Domingo, and even enlist in the armies of the Spanish king as long to fight against the French Republic and its revolution.


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Murgueitio Manrique, C. A. (2023). The White Owners of Saint Domingue, from Habitants to Émigrés. Their Exodus to the Spanish Santo Domingo, 1789-1793. Península, 19(1), 107–133.

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