Perspectiva Interdisciplinaria de Música (PIM, Interdisciplinary Perspective of Music) offers a wide spectrum of unpublished musical topics originally written in Spanish: creation, education, ethnomusicology, cognition, musicology, interpretation, semiotics and technology. All contributions into sections Perspectiva (perspective: original research), Horizonte (horizon: research communication), Bosquejo (outline: preliminary research) and Adyacencia (adjacency: original research or research communication by no musicians) are evaluated by anonymous external referees. The magazine also contains various informative sections: Encuentro (encounter: interviews), Fusión (fusion: critical essays), Imagen (image: musical iconography), Observatorio (observatory: books, recordings and computer music reviews) and Mirada (look: notification of congresses, festivals, competitions). PIM appears in three formats––printed, digital and online––giving access to digital links on texts, scores, music, as well as audio, visual and audiovisual images. This design ranks PIM among the editorial avant-garde in Latin America and Spain.
Current Issue
No. 03-04