Questioning Paradigms of Social Reality through Postmodern Intertextuality

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María Elena de Valdés


María Elena de Valdés does an analysis about an important part of the postmodern movement: the questioning of legitimizing authority with a concomitant surge in writing from the previously marginalized sectors of society. In postmodern literature the writing is an exploration of the implicit, the testing of authority and the accepted and, finally, the cultivation of the creative metaphor as a paradigm for creation out of conflict. Postmodern art in all its manifestations is always pointing out difference, differences within any grouping, differences made visible by positioning of the singular in relation to the others.

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Cómo citar
de Valdés, M. E. (2012). Questioning Paradigms of Social Reality through Postmodern Intertextuality. Poligrafías. Revista De Teoría Literaria Y Literatura Comparada, (1). Recuperado a partir de

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