The alert of the human body

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Gabriela Vázquez González


Throughout history human beings have been exposed to various stress-generating situations that have been evident in the multiple conditions that harm their health. At present, the way this stressful circumstance is expressed is obesity, which is resulting not only from excessive food intake that may aim to meet social, economic and family expectations in addition to emotional pressures. Mexico being the country that occupies the first place of obesity in children and the second place in adult obesity, many questions can be asked about the prevalence of obesity, however, one of those that will be treated is What is the biochemical factor that generates anxiety to eat and promote the onset of obesity and overweight? Cortisol hormone is the cause, as it acts as an alarm signal within our body against events detected as harmful in the environment, preparing the body to flee or fight, but there are certain moments that generate in some individuals the containment and chronicity of stress that lead to the need for caloric intake and with it to obesity. In this work, the mechanism by which obesity appears in stressful situations due to the action of cortisol hormone will be disclosed.


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How to Cite
Vázquez González, G. (2021). The alert of the human body. Psic-Obesidad, 10(39).

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