Food disposition and its choice in child population

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Dolores Patricia Delgado Jacobo


Due to the increase in overweight and obesity in Mexico, the authorities have made multiple attempts to curb this condition in the population, especially in the child population, for this reason proposals have been made to modify the law in relation to health , from preventing industrialized products from being sold in schools, rationing the portions of these products, stipulating taxes to considering administrative sanctions for those who distribute, sell or give these foods to minors, who despite these measures by the health and education authorities, the obesity figures in the Mexican population have not decreased but are increasing every year, which leads us to consider whether these measures, such as law initiatives, are the most effective in stopping the progress of overweight and obesity that affects a large number of people, including minors and what are the possible proposals from international organizations to respect.


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How to Cite
Delgado Jacobo, D. P. (2021). Food disposition and its choice in child population. Psic-Obesidad, 10(38).

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