Eating emotions: the psychology of obesity

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Arantxa Fernanda López Alvarado


The fact that obesity is a health risk results in the fact that the abnormal accumulation of adipose tissue significantly increases the risk of suffering from other chronic diseases such as diabetes, arterial hypertension, dyslipidemias, coronary disease , sleep apnea, cerebrovascular disease, osteoarthritis and some types of cancer, diseases that are considered morbid. Since obesity is considered a multifactorial disease, which implies that in order to explain and treat this disease it has to be seen from different perspectives, therefore the purpose of this article is to consider the factors that are related to this disease that, at first glance , It seems to have its origin in “eating a lot”, but when considering the origin and maintenance of obesity, factors that this article considers may be involved, they are related to the social since people with obesity and overweight not only face work or a physical and mental struggle to lose weight, but also a struggle to be socially accepted. With symbolic aspects as established by Maya Funes (2014), pointing out that food is given different symbolic values such as gratification, reward or expression of affection. Finally, the recent figures (2016) of obesity in Mexico with different age groups are considered.


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How to Cite
López Alvarado, A. F. (2021). Eating emotions: the psychology of obesity. Psic-Obesidad, 10(37).

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