Coping strategies, anxiety disorders and CIVID-19

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Pedro Vargas Ávalos


This article reviews the concepts of coping strategies, anxiety disorder, anxiety as an emotional symptom, and the conceptualization of them in the face of COVID-19. This is due to the interest in differences in the characteristics present in an anxiety disorder and anxiety only as a symptom in the effects that the pandemic has had on mental and emotional health, as well as in coping strategies before it, which can be help to minimize the consequences of this. Therefore, coping with stress, fear, and anxiety in a positive way becomes a necessity that empowers individuals, family groups, and the community.


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How to Cite
Vargas Ávalos, P. (2022). Coping strategies, anxiety disorders and CIVID-19. Psic-Obesidad, 11(43), 9–12.

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