Eating custom in family: obesity and pandemic COVID-19

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Dolores Patricia Delgado Jacobo


The COVID-19 disease in the world has had effects on the entire population, from changes in daily habits, from the waking-sleeping rhythm, to social, economic and labor relations. The strategies adopted by the World Health Organization were social confinement (staying at home) and isolation of people infected by this coronavirus (SARSCoV-2). Factors associated with obesity are diet, emotional stress and food customs and beliefs as patterns learned through generations. The effect on health conditions and their relationship with food habits in this pandemic period is reviewed in this paper and the factors involved and the COVID 19 pandemic in the context of Mexican families, inhabitants of the Valley of Mexico. A thematic and bibliographic review was carried out that led to the categories of analysis in the fields of anthropology, socio-psychological and nutritional. This analysis of factors was placed in the context of confinement (work, home, school) as well as its possible consequences. Some valid and reliable instruments of eating habits are shown.


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How to Cite
Delgado Jacobo, D. P. (2022). Eating custom in family: obesity and pandemic COVID-19. Psic-Obesidad, 11(43), 13–17.

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