Mermaids and tritons on food labeling

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Maricruz Morales Salinas


Nowadays, the promotion of food and beverages is a globalized phenomenon, which encompasses different media and advertising messages. The strategies used for the promotion of food and beverages include the use of persuasion techniques aimed at generating product knowledge, influencing the consumer and producing the desire to buy and consume it. This form of promotion of industrialized products has been considered to be related to consumers’ food perceptions and preferences, which is a contribution to the increase in overweight and obesity on a global scale. This article reviews the definition of advertising and some of the techniques used in the promotion of products considered as industrialized “food”.


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How to Cite
Morales Salinas, M. (2023). Mermaids and tritons on food labeling. Psic-Obesidad, 12(47), 21–24.

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