Risk behaviors associated with obesity in the family environment

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Silvia Castillo Moreno


Considering that food and nutrition are processes that are influenced by biological, environmental and sociocultural factors and that it is especially in childhood where development and growth should be optimal, it is essential to acquire healthy behaviors at this stage of life that do not compromise their development. Habits regarding the consumption of adequate food have been changing, especially due to factors that change family dynamics such as less dedication and lack of time for cooking, the quantity and quality of the food consumed and the type of behaviors associated with the consumption of the available food. Therefore, this article presents a study conducted on 200 subjects of the university population of the FES Zaragoza and Ciudad Universitaria, with the objective of knowing the tolerant and intolerant experience of the way of eating and the behaviors that were presented in childhood for food intake, if positive behaviors or with scolding/threats were presented, the results showed that in women 53. 67% were raised under tolerant behaviors and 46.33% of intolerant behaviors at the time of taking their food, and in the case of men 51.07% of tolerant behaviors versus 48.93% of intolerant behaviors.


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How to Cite
Castillo Moreno, S. (2023). Risk behaviors associated with obesity in the family environment. Psic-Obesidad, 12(47), 32–34. https://doi.org/10.22201/fesz.20075502e.2022.12.47.86444

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