Factors associated between obesity and old age

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Guadalupe Gabriela Jiménez Batres
Maricruz Morales Salinas


The body health condition with overweight and obesity shows a double risk to the individual, as a factor for the generation of other problems such as Diabetes or hypertension and in itself a risk factor in cancer and mental disorders such as binge eating. At any stage of development, obesity is a risky health condition that affects both women and men. In older adults it is related to cognitive, systemic-organic deficits and chronic degenerative diseases. The present work is a bibliographic review of the condition of obesity in elderly people and the related factors, among which are social, cultural, interpersonal relationships and lifestyle.


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Jiménez Batres, G. G., & Morales Salinas, M. (2023). Factors associated between obesity and old age. Psic-Obesidad, 12(48), 24–27. https://doi.org/10.22201/fesz.20075502e.2022.12.48.86842

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