Diet quality and lifestyles in university students with overweight and obesity

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Yahir Salvador Solano Armenta


Overweight and obesity are a problem that affects the population worldwide. Currently, Mexico and the United States of America occupy the first places in the global prevalence of obesity in the adult population. This study was carried out with a university population from the Faculty of Higher Studies Zaragoza, as well as from different campuses of Ciudad Universitaria, 100 women and 100 men between 17 and 30 years of age, to whom a single survey was applied to obtain data. related to eating habits and lifestyle. Results: It was found that 65.5% of the university students eat three meals a day, these meals are not considered within a balanced diet because they do not integrate the different food groups, in terms of the lifestyle data in which the physical activity, 54% of the population carried out some physical activity prior to entering the university and once entering the bachelor’s degree, a change in this habit is shown, due to its decrease, in frequency and time of completion. One of the factors, although it is not the only one, for a poor diet and the lack of physical activity in the young people in the study is the lack of time, which becomes a determinant for the state of health and for being overweight or obese in the university community.


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How to Cite
Solano Armenta, Y. S. (2021). Diet quality and lifestyles in university students with overweight and obesity. Psic-Obesidad, 10(40).

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