Los derechos humanos: entre la historia y el mito. II

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Óscar Correas


The human right, is subjective right, that in their majority cannot in center be indispensable to any civil servant for being it leaves from a legal metalanguage, considers that them like aspirations, therefore the human rights are a linguistic strategy to have the power on the part of the capitalists, thus turning to the capitalists and the citizens in individuals. Nevertheless, the human rights are subversive in themselves, first for the class bourgeois who raised itself now with the feudalism and into the hands of the proletarian class. Therefore this myth that was created for the taking of the power, is nowadays a weapon for the fight of classes.

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How to Cite
Correas, Óscar. (2010). Los derechos humanos: entre la historia y el mito. II. Crítica Jurídica. Revista Latinoamericana De Política, Filosofía Y Derecho, (26). https://doi.org/10.22201/ceiich.01883968p.2007.26.16768

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