Art as an Object of Communal Reappropriation: Redifiding the Bases of Modern Law

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Daniel Nina


The relation between art and law has always been one marked by a dynamic tension. Onthe one hand, art presents itself as a space of liberty, of emancipation, and communality, in opposition tothe characteristics of modern capitalist law as a mechanism of domination, regulation and atomization,centered on the function of safekeeping private property. In this account, this paper proposes the analysisof art as an emancipating moment against modern law, and as moment for the advancement toward a Lawof communality.

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How to Cite
Nina, D. (2010). Art as an Object of Communal Reappropriation: Redifiding the Bases of Modern Law. Crítica Jurídica. Revista Latinoamericana De Política, Filosofía Y Derecho, (30).

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