The Judicial Process according to Jorge Luis Borges

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José Orler


Our work is fired in a bizarre confluence Borges and provocative essayist with a provocative and essayist Foucault to refer to a concept of Judicial Process as a story, so that brings the construction instituting legal discourse in our capitalist societies messy —in category Offe (1990, 2009)— with the explicit aim of the undersigned to test some critical line to that object of study called law.Judicial Process as discursive confrontations that accumulate and overlap of building a warp intricate and dense narratives, not always relevant and largely superfluous, passing through the lanes of “verisimilitude” almost like a mockery of the “principle of truth” that the system assumes justice.Judicial process as “secret speech” as speech order. Speaking of power, discourse of “as if.” O “define a crime like a butterfly and vice versa”.

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How to Cite
Orler, J. (2013). The Judicial Process according to Jorge Luis Borges. Crítica Jurídica. Revista Latinoamericana De Política, Filosofía Y Derecho, (35).

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