Los fines de la democracia en el Distrito Federal: reflexiones en torno a la participación electoral efectiva

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Yazmín Calderón Hernández


México, as other countries in the World, is constructing its democratic system. Being a recent practice at the federal and local level, the democracy has not gotten its consolidation totally. Much distrust in the political and electoral system still exists and it has worsened with the closed electoral fight of 2006 july. The inhabitants of Mexico City suffer the same distrust which increases due to the multiple economic and social problems that the capital has. Under this perspective this essay has the purpose of reflecting the viability of capital citizens to exert a participative democracy successfully, or otherwise, to look for a democracy of economic and social aims.


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How to Cite
Calderón Hernández, Y. (2010). Los fines de la democracia en el Distrito Federal: reflexiones en torno a la participación electoral efectiva. Estudios Políticos, 9. https://doi.org/10.22201/fcpys.24484903e.2009.0.18772

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