The Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas-Treaty of Commerce of the People (ALBA-TCP) Analysis of a regional integration project in Latin America with a strong alterglobalism dimension

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Francisco Javier Ullán De la Rosa


The ALBA-TCP is an international organization of more recent creation (2009). It is undoubtedly an original project, different from the known regional formulas of integration: strongly directed from the political, proposed as a mechanism to schedule the public, economic and trade relations between countries, avoiding or minimizing where possible the market competition and encouraging cooperation and synergies from socialist values and solidarity.


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How to Cite
Ullán De la Rosa, F. J. (2012). The Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas-Treaty of Commerce of the People (ALBA-TCP) Analysis of a regional integration project in Latin America with a strong alterglobalism dimension. Estudios Políticos, 9(25).

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Author Biography

Francisco Javier Ullán De la Rosa