Compliance and enforcement of some revolutionary plans. A century later

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Octavio Rodríguez Araujo


The text offers a historical-political review of some provisions of the Plan of San Luis signed in1910 by Francisco I. Madero, which was drafted against the political regime led by GeneralPorfirio Díaz. That regime was replaced 19 years later, by an authoritarian regime that in manyways and for seven decades was not much different than the overthrown by the revolution.During the period known as post-revolutionary Mexico, was dominated by the party PNR-PRMPRI.Provided by the symbuiois goverment-party and the use of the latter, as an organ of socialand political control across the country, by the incumbent president.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Araujo, O. (2012). Compliance and enforcement of some revolutionary plans. A century later. Estudios Políticos, 9(27).

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