What are we talking about when we talk about liberalism?

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José Alejandro Arceo Contreras


The article presents an overview of the origin, development and progress of liberal thought, which is not limited to issues such as free market and democracy. In words of the author, the text is an invitation to learn liberalism, revaluing its importance, especially from authors who in his opinion, have done in the best way; because as well as it happened in the past, there arecurrent situations that are likely to be faced with economic, political and social ideas from theorists such as John Stuart Mill, Adam Smith, John Locke, Benjamin Constant, Thomas HillGreen or Alexis de Tocqueville.


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How to Cite
Arceo Contreras, J. A. (2013). What are we talking about when we talk about liberalism?. Estudios Políticos, 9(29). https://doi.org/10.1016/S0185-1616(13)72652-0

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