The relationship between the long and short time. An attempt to revalue a poor relative of the Social Sciences: the conjuncture

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Erwin Rodríguez Díaz


The article offers a review of the essential features of one of the elements that are part of political analysis, namely the conjuncture. In author´s words, the social reality is a different time unit, and has its own particularities, because it is spread, heterogeneous, irregular and discontinuous. In this scenario, chronological time is determined by the nature, in a complicated equation where man has not intervened and so has been since ancient times. Additionally, social time, has been determined by human being, as it is an active protagonist and this happen in acumulatively way.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Díaz, E. (2013). The relationship between the long and short time. An attempt to revalue a poor relative of the Social Sciences: the conjuncture. Estudios Políticos, 9(29).

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