Authors Index of Estudios Políticos 1975-2012

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Revista Estudios Políticos


Estudios Políticos has a successful and established diffusion record in the academic field, which began in 1975, when it was founded by Don Gaston Garcia Cantu at the Centro de Estudios Políticos of the Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, UNAM. His systematically and continuously editorial work, for nearly four decades, has achieved through institutional support it has received, and to the important work of those who had directed it, to the effort of the editorialists who participated in this project, and of course to the hard work of its partners and adjudicators, but above all, is due to the recognition achieved among its readers.


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How to Cite
Estudios Políticos, R. (2013). Authors Index of Estudios Políticos 1975-2012. Estudios Políticos, 9(29).

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