Culture and aesthetics barbarity. The game of delusion or illustrated schematism

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Esteban de Jesús Rodríguez Migueles


In this text, the author offers a intellectual proposal conceiving, in Adornos words, art as the main torch of remaining resistance, and the last notion for the truth, in a time of incomprehensible suffering and terror. Thus, reflection focuses on discerning the philosophical referentsand the constitutive values of Western culture, and how those have been a benchmark study on the future of humanity, especially considering that there are guidelines that make us think in a crisis or post-modern barbarism.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Migueles, E. de J. (2013). Culture and aesthetics barbarity. The game of delusion or illustrated schematism. Estudios Políticos, 9(30).

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