Maquiavelo y los condottieri

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Roberto García Jurado


This paper analyzes Machiavellis reflections and opinions about the condottiere were relevantcharacters in the Machiavellis work, the condottiere were mercenary soldiers,soldiers of fortune which had and important function in military and political facts in theXIV, XV and XVI centuries. Particularly about four of them: John Hawkwood, FranciscoSforza, Fabrizio Colonna y Castruccio Castracani. The analysis of these characters, or theMachiavellis opinion about them, has the objective to show one of the most importantelements of the Renaissances wars, and so offer basic considerations to understand thegeneral conception of human nature and the connection with political analysis.


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How to Cite
García Jurado, R. (2015). Maquiavelo y los condottieri. Estudios Políticos, 9(32).

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