Focus and Scope

Investigación Económica is a peer-reviewed scientific journal. All manuscripts must be original and unpublished, and must not be simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere.

Investigación Económica publishes articles with the highest scientific standards, with relevant and timely content, for theoretical discussions and for the analysis of economic policies. We accept papers in English or Spanish.

Investigación Económica welcomes contributions that replicate research previously published in this and other journals. In deciding whether to publish a replication study, we do not discriminate on the basis of the result of the study. That is, it does not matter whether or not the replication study confirms the original study. What matters is the thoroughness and quality of the analysis. In the same direction, Economic Research welcomes contributions reporting cases of "failure" rather than "success."


Peer Review Process

All papers will be reviewed by members of the editorial team and two anonymous peers. Under no circumstances can our decision be appealed. Once a decision has been made, final approval is subject to changes in style, form, and content that the editor may have communicated to the author. The authors are responsible for the content of their work and the correct use of the references they have cited. The journal reserves the right to make changes in accordance with our editorial policy.

Publication is subject to editorial guidelines. Failure to comply with any of the requirements will result in the work not being reviewed. We cannot return original shipments. All documents must be sent to the address of the journal <>. Once received, the sender will be acknowledged.


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate free access to its content under the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater exchange of global knowledge.


Editorial Policy

Investigación Económica is a peer-reviewed scientific journal. All manuscripts must be original and unpublished, and must not be simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere.

Investigación Económica publishes articles with the highest scientific standards, with relevant and timely content, for theoretical discussions and for the analysis of economic policies. We accept papers in English or Spanish.

Investigación Económica welcomes contributions that replicate research previously published in this and other journals. In deciding whether to publish a replication study, we do not discriminate on the basis of the result of the study. That is, it does not matter whether or not the replication study confirms the original study. What matters is the thoroughness and quality of the analysis. In the same direction, Economic Research welcomes contributions reporting cases of "failure" rather than "success."

All papers will be reviewed by members of the editorial team and two anonymous peers. Under no circumstances can our decision be appealed. Once a decision has been made, final approval is subject to changes in style, form, and content that the editor may have communicated to the author. The authors are responsible for the content of their work and the correct use of the references they have cited. The journal reserves the right to make changes in accordance with our editorial policy.

Publication is subject to editorial guidelines. Failure to comply with any of the requirements will result in the work not being reviewed. We cannot return original shipments. All documents must be sent to the address of the journal <>. Once received, the sender will be acknowledged.



Bases de datos naciones e internacionales

Citas Latinoamericanas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (CLASE), DGB-UNAM

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

EconBiz, Find Economic Literatural

Econ-Lit, American Economic Association

EconLit with Full Text, EBSCO Information Services

Journal Storage (JSTOR)

Political Science Complete, EBSCO Information Services

Portal de Revistas Arbitradas y Científicas de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)

Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal (Redalyc), Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (UAEM)

SciELO-México, Scientific Electronic Library Online-UNAM

ScienceDirect, Elsevier B.V.

Sistema de Clasificación de Revistas Mexicanas de Ciencia y Tecnología, CONACYT

Social Sciences Citation Index, Thomson Reuters ISI

The Replication Network

ULRICHSWEB, Global Serials Directory

Web of Science, Thomson Reuters ISI


Indicators of scientific production and assessment of scientific journals

 Journal Citation Reports, ISI Web of Science/Thomson Reuters ISI

Scimago Journal & Country Rank, Scopus/Elsevier Bibliographic Databases

Sistema de Información de Publicaciones Científicas Seriadas en América  Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal (Latindex), UNAM

Scopus, Elsevier Bibliographic Databases


Indicadores BIBLAT, DGB-UNAM


Journal History

It is a specialized journal, bilingual (Spanish and English), plural and critical, which accepts and publishes scientific research articles in national and international economy. It is considered a public good that belongs to the University and society. Its vocation is to analyze the evolution of the theoretical and practical economics. In its pages the paradigms of economics, history of economic thought, the theories and debates about economic policy and its consequences, the diagnosis of the Mexican economy, the economic development of Latin America and the problems spread the world economy in general. It is a journal that does not discriminate plural none paradigm; theoretical orientation is unorthodox for epistemological reasons, not ideological preferences.

Journal Investigación Económica was founded by Don Jesus Silva Herzog, director of the then National School of Economics, UNAM, in the year of 1941. In the first issue the proper Silva Herzog (1941) indicates that the main purpose of the journal was “make known the thought of internal faculty in economics,” thereby revealing the essentially academic journal but, by the time he lives in the country, cannot be conceived as an organ of economic discussion without political content problem common to the vast majority of academic journals in the world economy. In this case, economic research has always sought to give priority to the discussion of practical problems that affected most of the country's population and the Latin American region in which we live, as well as major theoretical issues of economic and social development in this region, with an approach that could be described as predominantly nationalist and socially oriented, even though, at the same time remained open to competition from other approaches, showing a truly modern vision for a time when prevailing sectarianism either side of the range both politically and economically thinking. Like other business journals he has always had a quarter and its readership was predominantly Latin American.

Investigación Económica was the second journal in its genre of time-and that Trimestre Económico was founded seven years earlier in a country whose economy was in the beginnings of industrialization. Since then, the journal has had an evolving as reported items Alfonso Corona Rentería (1971), Roberto Escalante Semerena (1996), Julio López García (2002) and Ignacio Perrotini Hernández (2006).

In its 81 years of existence have been directors of the journals:

Ignacio Perrotini Hernández (2018- a la fecha)

Carlos Guerrero de Lizardi (2015-2018)
Pablo Ruiz Nápoles (2012-2015)
Ignacio Perrotini Hernández (2006-2012)
Julio López Gallardo (2002-2006)
Roberto Escalante Semerena (1996-2002)
Arturo Huerta Gónzález (1991-1996)
Rolando Cordera Campos (1983-1990)
Luis Ángeles (1979)
Elena Sandoval Espinosa (1978)
José Luis Ceceña Gámez (1971-1977)
Alfredo Gutiérrez (Enero-marzo de 1971)
Ernesto Lobato López (Octubre-diciembre de 1970)
Jesús Silva Herzog (Julio-septiembre de 1970)
Ernesto Lobato López (Abril-junio de 1970)
Ifigenia Martínez (1966-1970)
Horacio Flores De La Peña (1965)
Octaviano Campos Salas (1963-1964)
Emilio Mujica Montoya (1959-1963)
Ricardo Torres Gaytán (1953-1959)
Gilberto Loyo (1944-1952)
Alfonso Pulido Islas (1942-1944)
Jesús Silva Herzog (1941-1942)

As was then customary (that he remained many years) the director of the School, and then Faculty, which was also the journal. The first director of the journal that was not the position of director of the School was Luis Angeles. Since then, the task has fallen solely on full-time faculty. In all cases, the journal has been directed by renowned economists, facing a more civil, others academics, all with the seal of the School and Faculty have been a critical and pluralistic spirit with social commitment.

Internationally renowned authors have published in the journal, are among other Joan Robinson, Nicholas Kaldor, Michal Kalecki, Anthony Thirlwall, Jan Kregel and Amit Bhaduri, all of them identified with the Keynesian school of thought that as we left an everlasting impression and transcendent in the theory and economic policy of the twentieth century. Of course there have also been many Latin American and illustrious Mexicans who have published in our magazine. To avoid making unfair omissions include only the unforgettable John F. Vasquez in whose honor Noyola Economic Research established in 2007 an annual prize for the best work on problems of the Mexican economy developed by a young economist living in Mexico, through a competition held for that purpose on their pages. Prize remained until 2011.

In its 74 years of existence the journal has gone through difficult times derived from various events that have affected the School and Faculty, and the University in general, but has not only remained afloat but has developed very favorably especially in new era of discipline and academic publishing world, marked by competition and the use of new technologies.

Its editorial board has expanded very significantly and has been enriched by the participation of several academics from universities and institutions of American, European and Latin American research, all with a high recognition in the discipline. Those who have joined the national members of the UNAM and other institutions also enjoy a high recognition in economic research and teaching.

Currently, the journal is to include only items that have a high scientific rigor. Stands out as a major shift its publication in two versions: Spanish and English. Another issue that has been extended to so that without abandoning the themes of the Mexican economy issues other Latin American countries and issues of a global nature, trying to balance scientific research with applied research, without discarding any school of thought include, or political approach.

Investigación Económica is indexed in EconLit, the American Economic Association; Journal Storage (JSTOR); ScienceDirect, Elsevier B.V.; Scopus, Elsevier Bibliographic Databases; ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters ISI; Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ); SciELO-Mexico, Scientific Electronic Library Online-UNAM, as well as EconBiz, Find Economic Literatural; EconLit with Full Text, EBSCO Information Services; Political Science Complete, EBSCO Information Services; ABI/INFORM Complete, ProQuest LLC. Nationally it is indexed in Citas Latinoamericanas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (CLASE) of the DGB-UNAM; Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe (REDALyC) (REDALyC)of the UAEM; Sistema de Información de Publicaciones Científicas Seriadas en América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal (LATINDEX) of the UNAM, and is available in the Portal de Revistas Científicas y Arbitradas de la UNAM. It also has statistics bibliometric indicators in the Journal Citation Reports, ISI Web of Science/Thomson Reuters ISI; SCImago Journal & Country Rank, Scopus/Elsevier BV, and Social Science Citation Index (SSCI), Thomson Reuters ISI.