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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • El envío de un trabajo debe estar acompañado del Código de ética de la revista.
  • El texto cumple con los requisitos bibliográficos y de estilo indicados en las Normas para autoras/es, que se pueden encontrar en Acerca de la revista.



Investigación Económica is committed to open intellectual analysis from various viewpoints in all areas of theoretical and applied inquiry related to economics. Original and unpublished contributions in either the Spanish or the English languages are welcome. Contributors willing to publish in Investigación Económica must strictly adhere to the following guidelines for drafting and submitting article manuscripts:


  1. Articles should be submitted through OJS as a Word file, must not include any reference whatever to the authors’ works and is not to be submitted for publication elsewhere before a final decision is taken on behalf of the Editor.
  2. Article manuscripts should be sent as a unique Word file including all graphs, figures, tables, annexes, appendices, etc. The maximum length for articles is 8,000 wordspages should be formatted with normal (non-customized) margins, font Times New Roman 12 point, double line spaced; tabs should be used to signify new paragraphs, but do not leave additional spacing between paragraphs. Equations should be prepared in MathType. Besides the Word file document, graphs, figures and tables should be sent as a separate Excel file or configured in any of the editable formats mentioned below.  A submission must include a cover page with the title (maximum 10 words) of the paper, a short abstract (maximum 10 lines or 150 words), a list of keywords (maximum 5) and jel classification codes. The title of the article, the abstract, the keywords and jel classification codes must be provided both in English and Spanish. The author's personal information (name, institutional affiliation, email address, phone, etc.) should be submitted as a separate file. 
  3. Submitted articles will be subject to a peer-review process by anonymous referees chosen by the Editor and/or the Editorial Committee. Their decision will be final and further bargaining cannot be accepted.
  4. Authors and coauthors should not send a second submission while the peer review process and the final assessment of a first one has not been completed. 
  5. Authors are the sole responsible for the correct use of the language (grammar, spelling, punctuation, clarity, consistency, etc.) in the written article. Papers written in poor Spanish or English will not be received for initial review and will be immediately rejected. The maximum number of coauthors should not exceed 3.
  6. Submissions must comply with all the present guidelines for contributors as they are sent to the journal. Failure to adhere to this requirement will cause immediate rejection of the article. We cannot return original submissions.
  7. All articles accepted for publication will be subject to copy editing, journal style adjustments and changes of the layout in accordance with our editorial policy and needs.  Proofs will be sent to contributors in pdf files to make sure no errors have been made. At this stage, only slight alterations and corrections of errata will be allowed to avoid delay publication of the journal.
  8. Submissions must be sent as simple as possible. Complex designing or formatting and indentation are not allowed throughout the article. Use of italics should be kept to a minimum, consigned mainly for foreign-language words, title of books, journals and scientific names. Quotation marks should be used in titles of journal articles, book chapters and quotations.
  9. Tables, graphs and other complementary and supporting materials should be processed in the following formats: Excel, jpeg, tiff, png, or gif. All these materials must be self-explanatory (without the need of reference to the text) and presented in black and white. Tables must be simple and relevant; do not include abbreviations; clearly indicate units of measurement and include full citations.
  10. Titles, notes and sources of material should be captured as part of the text of the document, not in the body of the graph, figure or table. Use of footnotes should be kept to a minimum and only to provide essential information.
  11. Quotations and references in the text must meet the criteria established by the Harvard System of Referencing. For example: Noyola (1956, p. 603); use p. to indicate a single page and pp. for a series of pages. The bibliography must also meet the criteria established by the Harvard System of Referencing. The list of references must correspond exactly with all citations mentioned in the text. No reference whatever should be made in the paper to published or unpublished works of the authors.
  12. The list of bibliographical references should provide the DOI (digital object identifier) number for all the articles quoted in the paper.
  13. Acronyms and abbreviations should be explained the first time they appear in the article.
  14. All authors will receive a complimentary copy of the issue containing their article.