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Edgar N. Lona Rodríguez
Fernando Gómez Zaldivar


We study Mexican manufacturing exports concentration through a methodology that assesses it from two dimensions simultaneously, by state and manufacturing subsector. Previous studies have used methods that estimate concentration using a single dimension at a time (by type of goods exported, by destination country, etc.), so it is possible for us to make a better description of the country’s export economic structure. The results reveal that the measure of exports concentration experience variations throughout the analyzed period and that it is inversely related to the existing global crises, i.e., the country exports a greater diversity of products during the years not associated with global crises. Moreover, we identify: i) the states that contribute the most and least to the country’s exports concentration, discriminating between participation and diversity (specialization); ii) the most important manufacturing subsectors are identified, notably, 336 and 334 are prominent, not only because they represent 61% of total exports, but also because they show great resilience in the face of stagnation or decline in the country’s overall exports figures.

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How to Cite
Gómez Zaldívar, M., Lona Rodríguez, E. N., & Gómez Zaldivar, F. (2024). ON THE MEXICAN MANUFACTURING EXPORTS CONCENTRATION, 2007-2022. Investigación Económica, 83(329), 106–138. https://doi.org/10.22201/fe.01851667p.2024.329.87811

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