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Lilian Albornoz Mendoza


The objective of this paper is to analyze the influence of three types of structural changes on the distribution of employment between men and women in Mexico: Changes in employment intensity, technology, and final demand, and whether the changes have reduced the gap and segregation in employment by gender. The empirical analysis is conducted using annual input-output matrices for the period 2003-2018. The information comes from the KLMS database of the National Accounts System of Mexico, based on total hours worked by gender, educational level (high, medium, and low), and economic activity sector/subsector. The results provide evidence of high gender gaps in employment and horizontal segregation throughout the period. Changes in the productive structure have not contributed to the reduction of gaps or segregation in employment that affect women.

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How to Cite
Albornoz Mendoza, L. (2024). INFLUENCE OF STRUCTURAL CHANGES ON THE SECTORAL DISTRIBUTION OF MALE AND FEMALE EMPLOYMENT IN MEXICO, 2003-2018. Investigación Económica, 83(329), 164–188.

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