The Revista Latinoamericana de Medicina Conductual, RLCM, disseminates original research that are both conceptual and empirical, those research are about how the human behaviour affects human health. Public health and clinical studies are accepted as well as research about therapeutic procedures, meta-analysis about interventions oriented to promote individual and community health and conceptual thinking about health issues. Since its beginning the journal has been published in both, print and digital formats. Articles in both spanish and english are accepted and anonimously peer reviewed by specialists. Subscriptions to the print version of this journal should be done via the Sociedad Mexicana de Medicina Conductual site. Since October 2009 the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México included this journal in the Catálogo de revistas científicas digitales. The co-editor of behavioral sciences is María del Rocío Hernández Pozo, human learning project, UNAM-Iztacala, e-mail: The co-editor of medical sciences is Malaquías López Cervantes, special projects and sociomedical research unit, Faculty of Medicine, UNAM, e-mail: The co-editors share the coordination of the journal during the 2009-2013 period. The journal is also indexed in Latindex and has its own DOI number. 

Vol. 11 No. 1 (2021): AGOSTO 2020 - ENERO 2021

Published: 2021-08-25

Symptoms of depression and stress perception in medical students: Needs for attention and willingness to get help

Claudia Fouilloux, Silvia Aracely Tafoya, Virginia Barragán, Alejandra Navarro-Escalera, Esther Mahuina Campos-Castolo, Juan José Sánchez-Sosa


Análisis de punto de cambio para evaluar la EMG de superficie durante contracción muscular

Erik Leonardo Mateos Salgado, José Esael Pineda Sánchez, Benjamín Domínguez Trejo, Fructuoso Ayala Guerrero


Estado nutricio y comportamiento afectivo familiar en adolescentes mexicanos: análisis comparativo según estructura familiar

Fidelina Anastacio-Landa, Sergio Dominguez-Lara, Eliseo López-Hernández, Vianey Guadalupe Argüelles-Nava, Yolanda Campos-Uscanga


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