Anne Chapman en Tierra de Fuego. Cantos chamánicos e iniciáticos selknam

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Enrique Flores


This text reviews the books, documents and experiences of Anne Chapman, anthropologist who dedicated many years to the study of Selknams in Tierra Del Fuego. From those experiences and those materials, this paper also proposes an ethnopoetic reading of the ritual songs of this extinct ethnic group, as a departure point for further research on the shamanic poetics. This reading, that leans in the photographic materials of Martin Gusinde and in the works of Erich von Hornbostel, is also a tribute to the admirable work of Anne Chapman and to the fascinating memory of Lola Kiepja, her privileged informant.

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How to Cite
Flores, E. (2012). Anne Chapman en Tierra de Fuego. Cantos chamánicos e iniciáticos selknam. Revista De Literaturas Populares, 9(2). Retrieved from

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