Reflections on the concept of intelltgence and it development

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Emilio Ribes Iñesta


The purposes of the present article are, first, to examine if the concept of intelligence denotes some type of process or specific condition, besides the different meanings that the operationalistic tradition has given it within psychology. Second, to determine a precise meaning for what is denoted by the concept, exploring the possibility that “intelli­gence’ can be developed and in what sense could such intervention be addressed. In­telligence tests as any other test, measure strictly the behavior of individuals in the Presence of the stinulus conditions that form them; the specific interactive history of the subject in the stimulus conditions defined by the test, as well as the setting factors 

associated lo its solution, are the elements that join in the performance of such competence.

The analysis of the development of intelligence is discussed on the basis of stages that constitute generic forms of organization of the interaction between the person and his/her environrnent

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How to Cite
Ribes Iñesta, E. (2011). Reflections on the concept of intelltgence and it development. Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis, 7(2), 107–116.

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