Chlordiazepoxide and food-deprivation compared using a food-preference test in the rat

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Astrid Posadas Andrews
Michael J. Burton
Steven J. Cooper


The effects of chlordiazepoxide (CDP 0,23, 5 and 10 mg/kg) on eating, contact with food, latency to begin-eating and other behavioral categories of male hooded rats were investigated using a food-preference test under 2 conditions of food deprivation (2 and 22 hr). Both CDP and food deprivation inceased eating time. The statistical analysis showed that the effects of both variables were essentially additive. Rut that CDP does not induced a state identical to that produced by hunger,


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How to Cite
Posadas Andrews, A., Burton, M. J., & Cooper, S. J. (2011). Chlordiazepoxide and food-deprivation compared using a food-preference test in the rat. Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis, 11(1 y 2), 21–30. y 2.25767

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