About the Journal
Focus and Scope
The Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Sociales y Políticas (Mexican Journal of Political and Social Sciences) in its New Epoch is an academic journal published by the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, at the UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico). It aims to offer an open forum for scientific thought in the social sciences, thus contributing to an innovative academic and institutional profile. Committed to a plural and comprehensive perspective and geared towards the enhancement of academic and professional trajectories of social scientists, scholars and experts, RMCPyS, in its New Epoch, strives to set forth avant-garde and innovative knowledge, in a socially pertinent and scientifically relevant manner. The Journal promotes sustained dialogue and debates around fundamental issues of contemporary society, which summon, intersect, and broaden disciplinary frontiers.
Given its commitment to theoretical and methodological pluralism and the disciplinary diversity offered by the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences at UNAM, RMCPyS is a relevant arena for researchers and scholars engaged in extensive and diverse scientific production in the social fields.
Published thrice yearly (January-April; May-August; September-December), RMCPyS is available both in paper and digital versions, with free Internet access. The Journal includes topics related to social sciences in general along with its more specific disciplines; sociology, political science, international relations, public administration, and communication and media. This publication is also informed by specialized fields and elements of interdisciplinary convergence such as political and sociological theory, political communication, political economy, public opinion, public administration and public policy, State and society, international actors, and globalization processes, among others.
Peer Review Process
- All articles will undergo a preliminary editorial evaluation by the Writing Board. This Board reserves the right to determine whether articles match RMCPyS’s editorial line and fulfill all necessary requirements of an academic material, as well as each and every editorial guideline hereby established.
- The peer review process is double blind.
- Decisions regarding publication may be:
- Approved with no changes
- Publication pending compulsory modifications and subject to re-submission
- Rejected
- If an article gets two positive decisions, it may be published if contents are compatible with the timing, editorial and topical guidelines of the Journal at the time.
- If decisions deem it necessary for the article to be modified and re-sent, the author must timely address observations, additions, corrections, expansions or clarifications suggested by reviewers. The author has a maximum of thirty natural days as a limit to present the new version. Once the article is reworked following the arbiters’ recommendations, it will be re-submitted to reviewers, who will then decide if article is publishable.
- Two negative decisions will cancel the possibility of publication of proposed material.
- When an article receives a negative review and a positive one, the article will turned to a third arbiter, whose decision will be determinant and not subject to appeal.
- The resulting decision will be communicated to the author in a maximum lapse of five working days after receiving the last review. Communication includes the commentaries, suggestions and observations of reviewers.
- The content of each peer review is confidential, for use only by the Journal and the author.
- The Writing Board is in charge of solving conflicts, complaints or nonconformities expressed by the author vis-à-vis the results of the evaluation process.
Open Access Policy
In 2006 the UNAM joined the Berlin Declaration, which promotes Open Access to all digital content obtained as a result of academic, scientific research and cultural activities undertaken by the University and is published by its academic members and university dependencies, as well as all other resources which UNAM is responsible for and possesses patrimonial rights or authorization from their respective authors.
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Users can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles.
Editorial Board
Arditi Karlik, Benjamín | Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales-UNAM | México | |
Bizberg, Ilan | El Colegio de México | México | |
Blancarte Pimentel, Roberto | El Colegio de México | México | |
Castañeda Sabido, Fernando | Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales-UNAM | México | |
Easton, David | Universidad de California | Estados Unidos | ++++ 19 de Julio de 2014 |
Eisenstadt, Shmuel Noah | (Q.E.P.D) | Israel | ++++ 2 de septiembre de 2010 |
GarcíaDiego Dantán, Javier | El Colegio de México | México | |
Gojman Goldberg, Alicia | Facultad de Estudios Superiores Acatlán-UNAM | México | |
Guillén López Tonatiuh | El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, | México | presidencia@colef.mx |
Hernández Vela-Salgado, Edmundo | Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales-UNAM | México | |
Jay, Martin | Universidad de Berkeley | Estados Unidos |
Marques de Melo, José | Universidad de Sao Paulo | Brasil | |
Ortiz Ortega, Adriana | Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales-UNAM | México | adriortiz@unam.mx |
Oxhorn, Philip | Universidad McGill | Canadá | philip.oxhorn@mcgill.ca |
Puga Espinosa, Cristina | Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales-UNAM | México | |
Roniger, Luis | Universidad de Wake Forest | Estados Unidos | |
Salas Porras Soule, Alejandra | Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales-UNAM | México | asalasporras@gmail.com |
Sberro, Stephan | Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México | México | ssberro@itam.mx |
Solís Gadea Héctor Raúl | Universidad de Guadalajara | México | |
Sorj, Bernardo | UFRJ, Diretor do Centro Edelstein de Pesquisas Sociais | Brasil | bernardosorj@yahoo.com |
Temkin, Benjamin | FLACSO | México | temkin@flacso.edu.mx |
Valdés Ugalde, Francisco | FLACSO | México | francisco.valdes@flacso.edu.mx direccion@flacso.edu.mx |
Van Dijk, Teun A. | Universidad de Pompeu Fabra | España | vandijk@discursos.org |
Waldman Mitnick, Gilda | Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales-UNAM | México | waldman99@yahoo.com |
Wieviorka, Michel | Escuela de Altos Estudios en Ciencias Sociales (EHESS) | Francia |
Editorial Rules and Guidelines
The Mexican Journal of Political and Social Sciences, in its New Epoch, is an academic journal published by the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, at the National Autonomous University of Mexico’s (UNAM). It aims at contributing to an innovative academic and institutional profile by offering an open forum for scientific thought in the social sciences. Committed to enhance a plural and comprehensive training of social scientists, scholars and experts, geared towards academic and professional successful trajectories the RMCPyS, in its new Epoch is a platform to set forth avant-garde and innovative knowledge, socially pertinent and scientifically relevant. The Journal promotes a sustained dialogue and debates around fundamental issues of our contemporary times which invoke, cross and widen disciplinary frontiers.
The RMCPyS is a relevant arena for researchers and scholars engaged with the creation of an extensive and diverse scientific production in the social fields, committed to theoretical and methodological pluralism and the disciplinary diversity offered by the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, at UNAM.
The Journal includes social science topics along with its specific areas: sociology, political science, international relations, public administration, and communication and media. It is also informed by more specialized fields and elements of interdisciplinary convergence such as political and sociological theory, political communication, political economy, public opinion, public administration and public policy, State and society, international actors and globalization processes, among others.
Editorial Administration Platform
The RMCPyS uses the Open Journal Systems (OJS) for its editorial management. Developed by the Public Knowledge Project (PKP), it allows for a complete control of the Journal’s editorial process in a digital format, beginning with reception of articles, to the final publication of each issue. Thus, all proposals under consideration (articles and book reviews) must be loaded into that System following steps specified in the following links:
Information for authors:
Materials must be loaded onto our digital platform:
Further information in:
I. Exclusivity
- Articles must be the product of high level academic research, offer original knowledge and be unpublished work.
- They must not be under editorial evaluation, nor have editorial commitments with any other journal or editorial house.
- Every collaborator must turn in a signed “Declaration of originality of her/his written work”, the format for which is available in the editorial management platform of the Journal:
- Texts are accepted in Spanish, English, French and Portuguese. If accepted for publication, the Journal will be in charge of translation. When a Spanish version of an article originally written in another language is submitted, the original text must be added.
II. Articles’ characteristics
- Typographic format: please use Microsoft Word or OpenOffice Write text processors, with Times New Roman 12 pt. font, single lined. Center text with a margin of 2.5 cm. on top and on bottom, and of 3 cms. on left and right margins. Foot notes must also be in Times New Roman font, size 10 points, single-spaced.
- Length: Articles: between 8,000 y 10,000 words, excluding the abstract, key words and references.
- Titles and sections: sections will be numbered using Arabic ciphers (0123456789). Titles and subtitles in bold.
- Author(s) information: Personal author(s)’ information should not be included (such as name, contact info, institutional affiliation, etc.) in the file containing the article. Author(s)’ name(s) should also be excluded from the references section. However, when uploading their paper using the digital platform of the Journal, authors must include at least five lines of curricular and/or biographical information (such as field of specialization, academic titles, current academic affiliation, research interests, last three main publications and email address to include in publication) in the corresponding fields of the section that reads: “Enter metadata”. If the submitted article stems from research results, include information regarding pertinent research project.
- The RMCPyS encourages authors to include all materials that may be uploaded for readers’ on-line reference, to enhance and support research results presented in the printed version of articles (graphic and audiovisual support materials, survey facsimiles, additional statistical data, data bases, interview’ transcriptions, written records, iconography, etc.).
III. Abstracts and key words
- An abstract of 150 to 200 words in both English and Spanish will be included on the first page of the material submitted to the Writing Board via the editorial platform of the Journal. The abstract must synthesize the article’s topic, working hypothesis, research method used and main findings. Five or six “key words”, in English and Spanish, must follow immediately after the abstract.
IV. Characteristics of review articles:
- Review articles must be original and should be pertinent to the topics covered by the RMCPyS. They should deal with books published in the last two years. These types of submissions need not undergo a peer review process and may be published within the timing and criteria established by the Writing Board.
- Typographic format: please use Microsoft Word or OpenOffice Write text processors, with Times New Roman 12 pt. font, single lined. Center text with a margin of 2.5 cm. on top and on bottom, and of 3 cms. on left and right margins. Foot notes must also be in Times New Roman font, size 10 points, single-spaced.
- Length: between 1500 and 2500 words.
- Submissions may vary. They could be brief essays such as:
A critique of a recently published social science book.
The state of the art in a given research field.
Several texts that deal with the same subject.
- Submissions must consist of at least:
A brief introduction about the publication at hand
Some information about the book’s author(s) (country of birth/research trajectory/topics included in book)
Book’s main argument
Book’s relevance
Critical comments
Final remarks
- Some considerations regarding reviews:
An author cannot review her/his own work.
A review article must cite book pages, particularly in reference to the book’s core issues.
The review must include complete bibliographic data of book or article discussed.
Reviews will be accepted in Spanish, English, French and Portuguese.
After the title of the proposed review, please add the reviewer’s name, including the following information: career, academic titles, current academic affiliation, research interests, last three outstanding publications, and email address to include in publication.
V. Citing
- Author will oversee that quotes in text coincide with materials referenced in pertinent section.
- Bibliographic references should be made using the Harvard-APA publication system and referencing style, by means of the following specifics:
Quoting in text: (Surname, year: page number) E.g.: (Bourdieu, 2000: 35-38).
References must be listed at the end of paper in alphabetical order according to authors’ last names. Do not shorten authors’ names. The presentation of information in each reference must follow the examples provided here:
Single author:
Author’s last names, Name, (year), Book title. Volume number, edition. Place of publication, Publisher. [If the work is a single volume or if it is a first edition, it is not necessary to include this information].
Example 1:
Simmel, Georg, (2002) Cuestiones fundamentales de sociología. Barcelona, Gedisa.
Two authors:
First author’s last name, Name, Name and last name of second author, (year), Book title. Volume number, edition. Place of publication, Publisher.
Example 2:
Bryant, Raymond L. and Senéad Bailey, (1997) Third World Political Ecology. London, Routledge.
Three or more authors:
First author’s last name(s), Name; Second author’s last name(s), Name and Name and Last name(s) of last author, (year), Book title. Volume number, edition. Place of publication, Publisher.
Example 3:
Portes, Alejandro; Guarnizo, Luis y Patricia Landolt, (2003) La globalización desde abajo: transnacionalismo inmigrante y desarrollo: la experiencia de Estados Unidos y América Latina. México, FLACSO-México.
Two or more Works by same author:
Name of author is repeated and titles displayed in chronological order beginning by the oldest one. If two or more works by the same author published the same year are cited, they must be differentiated by using a lower case letter following the year of edition.
Example 4:
Roig, Arturo, (1993a) Historia de las ideas, teoría del discurso y pensamiento latinoamericano. Bogotá, Universidad Santo Tomás-USTA.
Roig, Arturo, (1993b) Rostro y filosofía de América Latina. Mendoza, Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo.
Roig, Arturo, (1995), El pensamiento social de Juan Montalvo. Quito, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar y Corporación Editora Nacional.
Book chapters:
Last name(s) of chapter’s author, Name, (year of publication), “Article’s title”, in Author’s, editor’s or coordinator’s last name, Name, Book title, Volume number, edition. Place of publication, Publisher, page numbers of article quoted.
Example 5:
Barba Solano, Carlos, (2006) “La reforma social y el régimen de bienestar mexicano” in Franco, Rolando and Jorge Lanzaro (coords.), Política y políticas públicas en los procesos de reforma de América Latina. Buenos Aires, CEPAL/ FLACSO/ Miño y Dávila Editores, pp. 169-209.
Corporate author:
Initials of institution, (year) Publication’s title. Volume number, edition. Place of publication, Publisher.
Example 6:
inegi, (2010) Mujeres y hombres en México 2010. Aguascalientes, Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía.
Work undergoing an editorial process:
The words “Forthcoming” are added in parenthesis immediately after name of author, in lieu of year of edition.
Example 7:
Sussman, Michael and Gerhard Preyer (eds.), (Forthcoming) Multiple Modernities in the Contemporary Scene. A continuation of the Multiple Modernities Research Program.
Dissertations or theses:
Author’s last name(s), Name, (year in which work was submitted) Title. City-country, school or department for which work was prepared, and degree for which it was written.
Example 8:
Hernández Velázquez, María Remedios, (1994) Mujeres magonistas: una participación política activa en las filas del PLM, 1900-1911. México, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Iztapalapa, tesis de licenciatura.
Articles in Journals:
Author’s last name(s), Name, (year) “Title of article” in Name of Journal. Vol., number, publication’s period, article’s pages. Place, institution.
Example 9:
Calvento, Mariana, (2006) “Fundamentos teóricos del neoliberalismo: su vinculación con las temáticas sociales y sus efectos en América Latina” in Convergencia. Vol. 13, # 41, may-aug., pp. 41-59. Mexico, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México.
Newspaper articles:
Author’s last name(s), Name, (year of publication) “Title of article” in Name of Newspaper. Place of publication, day, month, page numbers, section.
Example 10:
Petras, James, (1999) “La globalización del imperialismo estadounidense” in Excélsior. Mexico, March 21st, pp. 1-3. Suplemento Cultural.
Web sites:
Author’s last name(s), Name, (year) “Article’s or document’s title” in Name of web page or site. Found in: URL [Last consulted on day, month and year].
Example 11:
Fullick, Melonie (2013) “The politics of the public eye” in Impact of Social Science (blog of The London School of Economics and Political Science). Found in: http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/impactofsocialsciences/2013/03/26/the-politics-of-the-public-eye/ [Last consulted on April 1st, 2013].
Last name(s), Name, (year) Title of document. [Type of document]. All relevant information regarding the Collection of documents accessed and the placement of the cited document within it, the number that identifies the document. Name of archive or institution in charge of document, City of institution.
Example 12:
Pani, Álvaro J., (1929) Reporte sobre el Impuesto sobre la Renta al Secretario de Hacienda, 5 de julio. [Report]. Fondo Archivo Central de Hacienda y Crédito Público, Sección Secretaria Particular del Secretario, Caja 3, Expediente 101-033-20. Archivo General de la Nación, Ciudad de México.
VI. Graphs, tables and charts:
- The author(s) have the rights or the authorization to use all graphic elements included in article. If that were not the case, the author(s) will be solely responsible. RMCPyS declines any liability in this regards.
- All graphs, tables, and/or charts must be sent in a different file (using Excel or the software they have been produced on), in order for them to be properly edited. The source of each must be clearly stated immediately following its inclusion. The author must indicate the exact placement of these elements in the published version. Charts and graphs must be numbered and have a title.
- Pictures and illustrations must be numbered and have a title. They must have a 300 pixels per inch resolution (ppp), in a tiff o png format. If files are jpg type, please use the highest possible quality.
VII. Evaluation of submissions
- All articles will undergo a preliminary editorial evaluation by the Writing Board. This Board reserves the right to determine whether articles match RMCPyS’s editorial line and fulfill all necessary requirements of an academic material, as well as each and every editorial guideline hereby established.
- The peer review process is double blind.
- Decisions regarding publication may be:
Approved with no changes
Publication pending compulsory modifications and subject to re-submission
- If an article gets two positive decisions, it may be published if contents are compatible with the timing, editorial and topical guidelines of the Journal at the time.
- If decisions deem it necessary for the article to be modified and re-sent, the author must timely address observations, additions, corrections, expansions or clarifications suggested by reviewers. The author has a maximum of thirty natural days as a limit to present the new version. Once the article is reworked following the arbiters’ recommendations, it will be re-submitted to reviewers, who will then decide if article is publishable.
- Two negative decisions will cancel the possibility of publication of proposed material.
- When an article receives a negative review and a positive one, the article will turned to a third arbiter, whose decision will be determinant and not subject to appeal.
Negative |
Not publishable |
Positive |
Positive |
Positive |
Negative |
Participation of a third reviewer, C, whose decision is not appealable. |
Positive |
Conditioned (need to make suggested corrections; article must be sent once again) |
Recommendations sent to author, as publication will depend on modifications to material sent. The amended article must be re-sent to reviewer for final approval for publication. |
Negative |
Conditioned (need to make suggested corrections; article must be sent once again) |
Article is rejected but author is urged to consider comments by reviewers and to submit the article to the RMCPyS again at a future time.
- The resulting decision will be communicated to the author in a maximum lapse of five working days after receiving the last review. Communication includes the commentaries, suggestions and observations of reviewers.
- The content of each peer review is confidential, for use only by the Journal and the author.
- The Writing Board is in charge of solving conflicts, complaints or nonconformities expressed by the author vis-à-vis the results of the evaluation process.
VIII. Appropriate writing and edition
The Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales reserves the right to effect editorial changes and to make style corrections as deemed pertinent by the Editor and/or her Writing Board.
IX. Release of rights and distribution of published texts
The publication of an article implies the author(s) release of rights over her/his material, as well as his/her authorization to distribute it by any means considered appropriate, whether printed or electronic. Towards this end, once an article is accepted for publication, every author must sign a rights release letter, the format for which is available in the OJS editorial management platform of the Journal. Without this signed release form, an article cannot be published.
The RMCPyS authorizes contributors to include a copy of his/her/their published work in their personal web page or in any other open data base, duly noting the Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales as original source of material, including the year of publication and number of issue in which the text appeared, as well as the link to the Journal’s web page that ties with the RMCPyS’s home page: www.revistas.unam.mx/index.php/rmspys. Full access to the Journal is free. Its contents are under license of Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)
All readers may:
- Share, copy and redistribute contents by any means and using any format.
- Adapt, re-mix, transform and create by using Journal materials.
Under the following terms:
- Attribution: You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
- NonCommercial: You may not use the material for commercial purposes.
- No additional restrictions: You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.
X. Submission of materials
Papers must be uploaded in our digital platform:
Information for authors:
Should you need further information, please contact:
Director and Editor:
Judit Bokser Misses-Liwerant
Associated Editor:
Eva Capece Woronowicz
Editorial Assistant:
Lorena Pilloni Martínez
It is not necessary to send printed texts, but if you wish to write to the RMCPyS, its postal address is:
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, Edificio “G”, Circuito Mario de la Cueva, s/n, Ciudad Universitaria, Copilco Coyoacán, Código Postal. 01045.
Authors of published texts are granted four copies of relevant issue. These will be with the Writing Assistant of the RMCPy:.
Secretaria de Redacción
Iraís García Jacales
XI. Originals
The RMCPyS is not liable for returning original submissions.
Ethical guidelines, principles and disclaimers
Responsibilities or conduct of the Writing Board and of the Editorial Committee
- Description of the peer review process is defined and made public by the Writing Board and the Editorial Committee of the Journal, so that authors know what evaluation criteria will be used. Both editorial bodies will readily solve any controversies that may arise in a given evaluation process.
- The Writing Board takes full responsibility to duly inform the author(s) the editorial phase in which his/her/their piece is, as well as to communicate all decisions regarding their (submitted) work.
Responsibilities or conduct of the Editors
- The editors are responsible for all materials published in the Journal. They will endeavor to satisfy the needs of the readership and of authors, to constantly enhance the quality and impact of the Journal, as well as to boost academic and scientific standards.
- The editors are ready to publish amendments, clarifications, retractions and apologies whenever necessary.
- The editors’ decisions to accept or reject a paper for publication will be solely based on the article’s relevance, originality, clarity and pertinence vis-à-vis the Journal’s profile.
- The Editors are committed to guaranteeing confidentiality during the process of evaluation.
- After peer-reviewing and as long as an article is deemed “publishable” by reviewers, the editors are in charge of deciding which articles will be included in the Journal.
- The editors will review all materials and their contents disregarding the author(s)’ race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnic origins, nationality, or political philosophy.
- The Editors and the Writing Board will not disclose any information regarding any text submitted to the Journal, to anyone except the author of the text, peer-reviewers, potential reviewers or other editorial advisors.
- Unpublished materials submitted to the Journal will not be used in the personal scholarly work of the Editors or of members of the Writing Board except when there is explicit written consent of the author. Privileged information or ideas obtained via peer-reviewing will be confidential and not used for personal advantage. The editors will make fair and impartial decisions and will assure an appropriate and just peer-review process.
Responsibilities of authors
- Authors must guarantee their texts are product of their original effort and that data are obtained in an ethical manner. Further, they must assure their texts have not been previously published or are not being presently considered by another publication. An article will be deemed previously published in any of the following circumstances:
- When the full text has been published elsewhere.
- When extensive parts of previously published work are part of the text sent to the Journal.
- When the text submitted to the Journal is an in extenso part of the contents of records of Conferences or other such instances (40% or more of the submitted text contents).
- These criteria apply to previous publications both in electronic or written form, and in any language.
- In order for their articles to be published, authors must strictly comply with the editorial norms of the Journal, as established by the Editorial Committee.
- Authors will send the Journal a copy of the article excluding personal information (name, contact information, institutional affiliation, etc.), deleting their names from any bibliographical reference included.
- The authors of original research reports must include a precise description of the work undertaken, as well as objectively argue its relevance.
- Each document must include sufficient information and references to allow other persons’ use of the material. Fraudulent or deliberately imprecise statements are considered unethical behavior and are unacceptable.
- Authors must guarantee that they have written the original papers in whole and, if and when the work or words of others have been used, these must be duly referenced. Plagiarism, in all its forms, constitutes an unethical editorial conduct, and is unacceptable. In consequence, any article incurring in plagiarism will be eliminated and not considered for publication.
- In general terms, an author should not publish texts that basically describe the same research in more than one journal or primary publication. Submission of the same text to more than one journal is an unethical behavior and publishing becomes inadmissible.
- Sources used must be adequately registered. Authors must cite all publications that have influenced the nature of the submitted work. Private information obtained through conversations, personal written exchange, or discussions with third parties, should not be used except with explicit written authorization by the source.
- Authorship should be limited to those who have significantly contributed to the conception, design, implementation or interpretation of the subject matter. All who fall in this category should sign as co-authors. The main author(s) must assure all co-authors are included in the article, and that all have read and approved the paper’s final version, and have agreed to its submission for publication.
- Authors must note, in their article, any conflict of funding or of interest that may have an influence upon results or interpretation of the research presented in the text. All sources of financial support (and/or of institutional backing) for the project’s implementation should be revealed.
- When an author discovers an error or meaningful inaccuracy in his/her published piece, it is his/her duty to immediately notify the Journal’s Director and to collaborate with the editors to correct or rectify it.
Reviewers’ responsibilities
- Reviewers agree to report any unethical conduct incurred by authors reviewed, and to note all information that justifies rejection of publication. Further, they must agree to maintain confidentiality regarding all information surrounding the materials they evaluate.
- In order to proceed with the reviewing process, reviewers must follow guidelines provided by the Writing Board.
- All selected reviewers must notify the Board, as soon as possible, if unqualified to review the research matter or text provided, or if he/she will not be available to perform said task.
- Any document received for review must be treated confidentially. It must not be shown to other experts, nor discussed with them, except if under explicit authorization by the editors.
- Reviewers must be objective. All personal criticism towards the author(s) is inadequate. Reviewers must express their points of view with clarity and by means of valid arguments.
- All privileged information or ideas obtained through the reviewing process must be confidential and will not be used towards personal advancement.
- Reviewers must not engage in the revision of texts in which they have a conflict of interests.
Included in the following indexes, catalogs, databases, etc.
- Ulrich's International Periodicales Directory
- America: History and Life
- Hapi-Hispanic American Periodicals Index (HAPI)
- Article First (OCLC)
- Science Direct (Elsevier)
- Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek-Frei zugängliche E-Journals
Catalogs and Bibliographies:
- Biblioteca Central de la UNAM catálogo SERIUNAM
- Índice de Revistas Mexicanas de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (CONACyT).
- Hemeroteca Latinoamericana (HELA)
- WorldCat (OCLC)
- Latindex
Indexes and Abstracts:
- Citas Latinoamericanas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (CLASE)
- SciELO México
- Scopus
- Sociological Abstracts
- Social Services Abstracts
- Soc Index
- Soc Index Full Tex
- SciELO Citation Index del WoS
- Emerging Source Citation Index del WoS
- Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, UNAM
Journal History
The Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales (Mexican Journal of Political and Social Sciences), in its New Epoch, is an academic journal published by the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, at the National Autonomous University of Mexico’s (unam). It aims at contributing to an innovative academic and institutional profile by offering an open forum for scientific thought in the social sciences. Committed to enhance a plural and comprehensive training of social scientists, scholars and experts, geared towards academic and professional successful trajectories the rmcpys is a platform to set forth avant-garde and innovative knowledge, socially pertinent and scientifically relevant.