I. Exclusive Rights
- Articles must be the product of high-level academic research, present original knowledge and be unpublished works.
- They must not be under editorial evaluation, nor have editorial commitments with any other journal or editorial house.
- Every collaborator must turn in a signed “Declaration of originality of her/his written work”, the format for which is available in the editorial management platform of the Journal:
- Texts may be submitted in Spanish, English, or French. If accepted for publication, the RMCPyS will decide whether to publish it in the original language or translate it. When a Spanish version of an article originally written in a foreign language is submitted the original text must be included.
II. Articles’ Characteristics
- Format: Microsoft Word text processor, in 12-point Times New Roman typeset,, single lined. Center text with a 1" margin on top and bottom, and 2" left and right margins. Footnotes must be in 10-point Times New Roman typeset, single-spaced.
- Length: between 8,000 and 10,000 words, excluding the abstract, keywords and references.
Please note that under- or over-length submissions will be automatically returned to you for editing. This can cause severe delays to the processing of your manuscript. This word limit is strictly enforced and correspondence will NOT be entered into.
- Author(s) information (Anonymisation): Personal author(s)’ information should not be included (such as name, contact info, institutional affiliation, etc.) in the file containing the article. Author(s) name(s) should also be excluded from the references section. However, when uploading their paper using the digital platform of the Journal, authors must include at least five lines of curricular and/or biographical information (such as field of specialization, academic titles, current academic affiliation, research interests, last three main publications and email address to include in publication) in the corresponding fields of the section that reads: “Introducir metadatos”. If the submitted article stems from research results, include information regarding pertinent research project.
- The RMCPyS encourages authors to include all materials that may be uploaded for readers’ on-line reference, to enhance and support research results presented in the printed version of articles (graphic and audiovisual support materials, survey facsimiles, additional statistical data, data bases, interview’ transcriptions, written records, iconography, etc.).
III. Abstracts and keywords
- An abstract of no longer than 120 words both in English and Spanish shall be included in the first page of the article. The abstract must synthesize the main subject of the paper, the working hypothesis, research method used and main findings. Five or six “keywords”, in English and Spanish, must follow immediately after the abstract.
III. Citing
- Author will oversee that quotes in text coincide with materials referenced in pertinent section.
- Bibliographic references should be made using the Harvard-APA publication system and referencing style, by means of the following specifics:
Quoting in text: (Surname, year: page number) E.g.: (Bourdieu, 2000: 35-38).
References must be listed at the end of paper in alphabetical order according to authors’ last names. Do not shorten authors’ names. The presentation of information in each reference must follow the examples provided here:
Single author:
Author’s last names, Name (year), Book title. Volume number, edition. Place of publication: Publisher. [If the work is a single volume or if it is a first edition, it is not necessary to include this information].
Simmel, Georg (2002) Cuestiones fundamentales de sociología. Barcelona: Gedisa.
Two authors:
First author’s last name, Name, Name and last name of second author (Year), Book title. Volume number, edition. Place of publication: Publisher.
Bryant, Raymond L. and Senéad Bailey (1997) Third World Political Ecology. London: Routledge.
Three or more authors:
First author’s last name(s), Name; Second author’s last name(s), Name and Name and Last name(s) of last author, (year), Book title. Volume number, edition. Place of publication, Publisher.
Portes, Alejandro; Guarnizo, Luis y Patricia Landolt (2003) La globalización desde abajo: transnacionalismo inmigrante y desarrollo: la experiencia de Estados Unidos y América Latina. Mexico: FLACSO-México.
Two or more works by same author:
Name of author is repeated and titles displayed in chronological order beginning by the oldest one. If two or more works by the same author published the same year are cited, they must be differentiated by using a lower case letter following the year of edition.
Roig, Arturo (1993a) Historia de las ideas, teoría del discurso y pensamiento latinoamericano. Bogotá: Universidad Santo Tomás-USTA.
Roig, Arturo (1993b) Rostro y filosofía de América Latina. Mendoza: Universidad Nacional de Cuyo.
Roig, Arturo (1995) El pensamiento social de Juan Montalvo. Quito: Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar y Corporación Editora Nacional.
Book chapters:
Last name(s) of chapter’s author, Name (year of publication) “Article’s title” in Author’s, editor’s or coordinator’s last name, Name, Book title, Volume number, edition. Place of publication: Publisher, page numbers of article quoted.
Barba Solano, Carlos (2006) “La reforma social y el régimen de bienestar mexicano” in Franco, Rolando and Jorge Lanzaro (coords.) Política y políticas públicas en los procesos de reforma de América Latina. Buenos Aires, CEPAL/ FLACSO/ Miño y Dávila Editores, pp. 169-209.
Corporate author:
Initials of institution (year) Publication’s title. Volume number, edition. Place of publication: Publisher.
INEGI (2010) Mujeres y hombres en México 2010. Aguascalientes: Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía.
Work undergoing an editorial process:
The words “Forthcoming” are added in parenthesis immediately after name of author, in lieu of year of edition.
Sussman, Michael and Gerhard Preyer (eds.) (Forthcoming) Multiple Modernities in the Contemporary Scene. A continuation of the Multiple Modernities Research Program.
Dissertations or theses:
Author’s last name(s), Name (year in which work was submitted) Title. City-country: school or department for which work was prepared, and degree for which it was written.
Hernández Velázquez, María Remedios, (1994) Mujeres magonistas: una participación política activa en las filas del PLM, 1900-1911. México: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Iztapalapa, tesis de licenciatura.
Articles in Journals:
Author’s last name(s), Name (year) “Title of article” in Name of Journal, Volume(Number): article’s pages.
Calvento, Mariana (2006) “Fundamentos teóricos del neoliberalismo: su vinculación con las temáticas sociales y sus efectos en América Latina” Convergencia, 13(41): 41-59.
Newspaper articles:
Author’s last name(s), Name (year of publication) “Title of article” Name of Newspaper. Place of publication, day, month, page numbers, section.
Petras, James (1999) “La globalización del imperialismo estadounidense” Excélsior. March 21st, pp. 1-3. Suplemento Cultural.
Web sites:
Author’s last name(s), Name (year) “Article’s or document’s title” Name of web page or site. Found in: <URL> [Last consulted on day, month and year].
Fullick, Melonie (2013) “The politics of the public eye” Impact of Social Science (blog of The London School of Economics and Political Science). Found in: <http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/impactofsocialsciences/2013/03/26/the-politics-of-the-public-eye/> [Last consulted on April 1st, 2013].
Last name(s), Name (year) Title of document. [Type of document]. All relevant information regarding the Collection of documents accessed and the placement of the cited document within it, the number that identifies the document. Name of archive or institution in charge of document, City of institution.
Pani, Álvaro Juan (1929) Reporte sobre el Impuesto sobre la Renta al Secretario de Hacienda, 5 de julio. [Report]. Fondo Archivo Central de Hacienda y Crédito Público, Sección Secretaria Particular del Secretario, Caja 3, Expediente 101-033-20. Archivo General de la Nación, Ciudad de México.
III. Graphs, Tables and Figures
- The author(s) may use all graphic elements included in article. If that were not the case, the author(s) will be solely responsible. The RMCPyS declines any liability in this regards.
- All graphs, tables, and/or charts should be sent on separate files (using Excel or the software they have been produced on), in order for them to be properly edited. The source of each must be clearly stated immediately following its inclusion. The author must indicate the exact placement of these elements in the published version. Charts and graphs must be numbered and have a title.
- Photographs and illustrations must be numbered and require a short, descriptive title. They should be supplied as EPS files (all fonts embedded) or TIFF files, 800dpi – b/w only.