Jóvenes inmigrantes latinoamericanos en la prensa española. Narrativas mediáticas de la alteridad: el caso de las violencias urbanas

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Jéssica Retis
Paola García


This essay analyzes the media presentations of young Latin American immigrants in the Spanish press. Attention is centered on four questions. What has shaped the demographic panorama of migration of young Latin Americans in Spain? Who are the recurrent actors in the information on migration in the media discourse? What mechanisms of discursive representation generate the news on urban violence related to ethnic minorities amongst the youth population? To what extent is the figure of young Latinos inserted in the European discourse of exclusion? When considering these inferences, it explores the role of the media in the context of contemporary migration, and from the political economy of communication and critical discourse analysis, considers the media accounts of the narratives of exclusion not just as rhetoric but an access to social debate.


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How to Cite
Retis, J., & García, P. (2011). Jóvenes inmigrantes latinoamericanos en la prensa española. Narrativas mediáticas de la alteridad: el caso de las violencias urbanas. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 52(209). https://doi.org/10.22201/fcpys.2448492xe.2010.209.25968

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