La democracia deliberativa y la confrontación entre poderes fácticos en una decisión gubernamental: modificación al artículo 77 de la Ley de Propiedad Industrial

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Luis Daniel Vázquez Valencia


The deliberative democracy bases its expectations of results in interactions of communication of a normative type lessening the relations of power and domination that exist in politics. It is interesting to observe how a deliberation is made on governmental decision making, through case studies. In this frame, the article analyzes the confrontation of two factual powers (the Group for a Better Country and the transnational pharmaceuticals), the lobbying, the use of political resources, the role of the state and the final corollary in the deliberation for the public decision making: the modification of the article 77 of the Law of Industrial Property.


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Vázquez Valencia, L. D. (2011). La democracia deliberativa y la confrontación entre poderes fácticos en una decisión gubernamental: modificación al artículo 77 de la Ley de Propiedad Industrial. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 52(210).

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