Talking about Politics. Deliberative Democracy and Discursive Participation in Mexico

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Alejandro Monsiváis Carrillo


This paper argues that it is necessary to promote the study of deliberative politics in the analysis of the mechanisms of democratic accountability in political regimes. To advance this idea, it engages in a critical examination of the model of deliberative democracy and offers some guidelines for empirical research. Simultaneously, a brief assessment of the role of deliberation in Mexico`s contemporary democracy is provided. Also, with the purpose of exploring the deliberative dimension of political behavior in Mexico, some empirical indicators obtained from the National Survey of Political Culture 2012 are analyzed. The results show that developing deliberative capacities is a major challenge in this country. Even when the evidence shows a minor role for deliberation in Mexican politics, the paper defends including the deliberative perspective in the agenda of political research and institutional reform in emerging democracies.


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Monsiváis Carrillo, A. (2015). Talking about Politics. Deliberative Democracy and Discursive Participation in Mexico. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 60(223).

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