Political Participation in Mexico: Understanding Inequality between Men and Women

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Fernanda Vidal


Literature on women’s political participation has questioned the meaning of representation and has been concerned with identifying what controls women access to political posts. Some explanations focus on the offer and suggest a general lack of interest and/or capacity limiting women’s participation. Others analyse the effects of demand, and consider the composition of the political organizations. Based on this background, this article explores women participation inside and outside political parties and in activities that can indirectly result in political participation. The weight of women’s participation in the parties’ governing bodies is analysed, questioning whether their marginal participation explains their low presence in elected office. Data from twelve Mexican states, between 1998 and 2012 are used, including sources such as, the National Survey on Political Culture and Citizen Practices, the Federal Electoral Institute, and the National Survey on Discrimination. Original data on local councils and assemblies and the National Executive Committees are also included. It is concluded that men and women participation is similar and the lack of involvement is not related with gender. However, this study does establish the presence of restrictive practices against women, promoting the access of men to political cadres.


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Vidal, F. (2015). Political Participation in Mexico: Understanding Inequality between Men and Women. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 60(223). https://doi.org/10.1016/S0185-1918(15)72140-9

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