The Forces Driving Global Migration

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Stephen Castles


Movements of people are a crucial element of global integration. Most destination countries favor the entry of highly skilled migrants, but restrict that of lower-skilled workers, asylum seekers and refugees. A major cause of migration is the growing inequality in incomes and human security between more- and less-developed countries. Further driving factors include uneven economic development; rapiddemographic transitions; and technological advances in transport and communications. Increasingly, migrants do not shift their social existence from one society to another, but maintain transnational connections. The global economic crisis that began in 2008 has brought a hiatus in some of these factors, but has not undermined their long-term significance. Australia’s traditional model of permanent-settlement migration needs to be adjusted to the new realities of global mobility and connectivity.


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Castles, S. (2013). The Forces Driving Global Migration. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 59(220).

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