Beyond Representation and Patronage: Towards a Language of Political Intermediation

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Adrián Gurza Lavalle
Gisela Zaremberg


This paper proposes rethinking conceptual scopes of the term “political mediation”, in order to illustrate the analytical scope of indirect politics, whose range of possibilities has usually been thought of as if contained between the extremes of political representation and patronage. An analytical exercise is offered as one possible and tentative path to specify not only a vocabulary which is more sensitive to the demands of the present but to -in the words of Bunge- allow the initial reinterpretation of old symbols of our political vocabulary. To this end, in addition to a linguistic and conceptual journey of the term“intermediation”, three analytical dimensions of indirect policy are developed; thus facilitating dialogue with theories of representation, and leading to an analytical model that we call “cube of indirect politics”. We conclude with a brief case classification exercise intended to show the displacements produced by this model in understanding certain indirect political experiences.


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Gurza Lavalle, A., & Zaremberg, G. (2015). Beyond Representation and Patronage: Towards a Language of Political Intermediation. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 59(221).

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