The aleph of Memories and Ways of Documenting the Division of Korea in Contemporary Times

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María del Pilar Álvarez


The aftermath of the Korean War (1950-1953), the North Korean refugees and political prisoners in the South, the separation of families, and others painful traces of the division of Korea (1945), have occupied a central place in South Korean cinema. However, for decades, the cinematic representations of the ideological conflict did not take into account the way in which violence and horror struck the Korean diaspora. The presence of these memories in Our School (2006) and Grandmother´s Flower (2008) has produced a new challenge to the ways of seeing and narrating the historical memories in visual images. In this article, I will focus on revealing the values of the past in terms of memory space. I suggest a reading from a peculiar understanding of violence, oppression and discrimination. By comparing these two acclaimed films, I have attempted to rethink the boundaries and dispute processes of appropriating historical traumas and its relation to the multiple locations of historical memories.


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Álvarez, M. del P. (2015). The aleph of Memories and Ways of Documenting the Division of Korea in Contemporary Times. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 59(221).


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Sitios en Internet:

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