Beyond the Melting Pot: Argentine Jews, Peronism and the Struggle for a Multicultural Home

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Raanan Rein


Acknowledging the surge of Peronism as acritical turning point in Argentina’s modern history –which has had a lasting impact on the contemporary society-, this study is focused on a very specific analytical perspective: the peculiarities of the process of insertion of different ethnic groups and their Argentina-born descendants during the first Peronism. The author describes changes in political representation and the various dimensions of the participative democratization process that the Peronist Argentina went through, and he later examines the Peronist efforts to mobilizing support within the Jewish-Argentinian population. Assuming that instead of promoting a traditional melting pot, the regime gave an increasing legitimacy and an unprecedented acknowledgment to multiple identities, this article asserts that before the rise of Peronism, Jewish were not always considered as part of the Argentinian polis, civitas or demos. Finally, the concept of citizenship is used as focal point and analytic framework to understand the change in the relationship among Argentinian-Jewish, the institutions, and the symbols of the Argentinian state.


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Rein, R. (2015). Beyond the Melting Pot: Argentine Jews, Peronism and the Struggle for a Multicultural Home. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 59(222).

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